carve out his way


I sit here on a balmy, South African evening under an intricately thatched roof lit by a single candle

Damien Rice sings hauntingly as the waves tip toe up the shore only to somersault back again

and my thoughts are drawn to this new son of mine…Madoc Siyabonga

only 11 months and life ahead

as he snores in his bed, I pray

as he dreams his dreams, I pray

initially I pray that he is able to carve out his own way in the world, knowing that hard times will come

but am quickly snapped back…

God, may YOU carve out his way

may YOU hold his hand when I can’t

may YOU guide him through those times when I don’t know what to say

may YOU make good on your word that you will carry him on to completion

as his new earthly father, I ask YOU, his true father…carve out his way as he goes, as I know you have had planned since the world began

and may he CHOOSE to follow you in the carving


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